Mrs. Harinichitra Gopalachari (Principal)

I extend a very warm welcome to all my students and parents to their very own SVNs website. An effort has been made to provide the students and parents quick & instant access to the desired information out of the vast and comprehensive databank covering diverse matters concerning the School –be it admissions, activities, curriculum, schedule of events, exams, infrastructure, sports, achievements, picnics or annual functions, etc. Over a period of time we will be progressively automating the website to give even better access, information & finally interactive features. I may mention that this is a maiden effort on our part to disseminate the information on the web and there could admittedly be scope for further improvement.

concerning education. My central philosophy revolve around this famous quote of Hodding Carter :

“There are two lasting bequests we can give our Children, One is Roots & the other is Wings”

We are today witnessing the world proceeding on a rather dangerous & precipitous turn of times. We are facing, unprecedented extremities & adversity in weather & climatic conditions pandemic of deadly diseases across the Continents. With the passage of time, these trends, alas, appear to be becoming more and more severe.. These are rather worrying turn of events for our progeny and we all need to do our best to make their future. We together need to nurture and educate the next generation to make them strong and competent to successfully meet the testing times ahead. The country & the world need good and honest leaders to steer the masses out of the mess that we are in. The quality of future social, political & economic life would largely be determined by the next generation being tutored & nurtured by us educators.
The SVNS, therefore, has the missionary objective of providing to all its students -irrespective of their caste, creed, colour or religion -a unique platform and environment enriched with values drawn from our rich culture and tradition. I believe in spreading the message of brotherhood and peace. We need to recall the lofty ideals and deeds of our mentor-Swami Vivekanand. Referring again to the quote above, in order that the students have both the roots as well as wings, SVNS ensures that the students imbibe necessary values of humanity, unity in diversity and brotherhood based on our rich heritage & culture. At the same time, the students are made academically strong and given the appropriate opportunity and exposure to a wide spectrum of co curricular & extra-curricular activities including life skills improvement, language development, sports, dramatics, etc Each child is uniquely talented and only needs the right setting to bring out the best latent talent. Outstanding examples of this are listed under Achievements. Apart from high and meritorious academic & extracurricular achievements, The SVNS school has, since its modest beginning, grown from strength to strength. I must thankfully acknowledge the parents' contribution in our march towards success. Your valuable support and cooperation, has enabled SVNS to attain great heights.. I once again thank all the parents for their unflinching faith, trust and encouragement, and look forward to receive the same over the years ahead.

Warm Regards……!!!
Mrs. Harinichitra Gopalachari
Principal, Swami Vivekanand National School